Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Imagine that you are sick with an illness like pneumonia what would you do?
The answer is simple: you'd go to the doctor.
The doctor will most likely put you on an antibiotic and you'll start feeling like yourself in no time.
Now imagine if you lived in Uganda, a country where health care is not easy to come by. You have to walk 7 miles to get to the nearest clinic and once you reach the clinic it's very unsanitary, understaffed or even out of medication.
Imagine this is YOUR child sick from a curable disease but there is nothing you can do about it. You can walk 7 miles to the nearest clinic to try to get the help you need for your child but by then it's too late.
Children in Uganda are dying from curable diseases but YOU can help make a difference.

Help Sevenly build the clinic that Uganda needs! Purchase a Strike Hope t-shirt from Sevenly now. But hurry soon the shirt will be gone and you'll miss the chance. Help support SafeWorld and help Uganda beat these curable, treatable diseases. Purchase a t-shirt help build a clinic.

Do good. Sevenly.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nuru International

OK Friends! I used to maintain a blog several years ago but that was SEVERAL years ago. So today I'm learning to ease myself back into the blogging world. For those of you that read my initial post you probably understand the purpose of this blog but for those of you who haven't let me explain...

I'm an ambassador for Sevenly and the purpose of this blog is to help spread the word about the cause of the week! Sevenly helps raise funds for different charities around the world by selling t-shirts. When you purchase a tshirt from Sevenly there is a $7 donation to the charity of the week.

Are you ready to hear about the charity of the week this week? Drum roll please...

Nuru International's mission and purpose to end hunger in extreme poverty areas. Their goal is to provide ways to end hunger FOREVER! Not just a temporary supply of food that will help in the moment. They want to provide the knowledge and tools that people need in order to end hunger forever. It's possible but it takes support from many people. You can help be apart of that support by purchasing a t-shirt from Sevenly. They're super cute!

I've purchased my tee, have you? Better move quick there is only one day left before this opportunity is GONE!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Hey there all! Have you heard of Sevenly?!? Sevenly is awesome company that designs t-shirts for a different charity each week. When you are awesome and purchase a tee $7 of the proceeds goes towards that charity. Cool huh? This is YOUR chance to help change the world! Each week I'll go over the different charities. You know give you know a little background info on the chairty itself, the goal Sevenly is wanting to reach and I'll show you what the awesome tee is going to look like! ARE YOU READY?!? This is going to be one fun adventure!!!